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Touhou Mode (v38)

by Miles

A gamemode based on Touhou Hisoutensoku, one of the fighting game spinoffs of the Touhou series!
Featuring weather effects that can change the rules of the game in big and small ways.

Latest Changes

Changed Condensed Bubble priority to fix an interaction not working correctly.

New character added! Remilia will drain your life, your TP, and leave you bleeding out while she unleashes powerful minibosses and bosses! Between her healing and powerful grazes, she should be able to win a war of attrition!

Touhou Mode

by Miles

Touhou Mode has some unusual game mechanics that are unlike other Spy Cards modes. So here, I'll explain them.

1: Cards are divided up by character. You can only pick cards from one character. System cards are universal and can be picked by any character, but you are limited to no more than 3 copies of a given System card.

2: This is an ATK=DMG mode. In other words, your final ATK at the end of a round determines how much damage you deal when you win the round. DEF can reduce the damage you take if you lose a round. The starting and max HP is 75 for both players.

3: Graze is just Numb. Graze almost exclusively hits Bullet cards, so non-Bullets are generally Numb-immune.

4: In the "Weather On" variant, you get to choose two weather cards to put in your deck. These will not be drawn during a match, but instead on every even-numbered turn a random weather chosen by either player will be triggered, with the previous round giving a warning for what weather is going to occur. Weather affects both sides of the field, so try to pick an effect that works well with your deck and will give you the edge over your opponent. Picking the wrong weather for your deck could backfire badly.

5: Some other notes: Additional card draws will happen after natural card draws, and discards happen after both; unless the discard has a mid-round effect like some of Sakuya's cards, or specifically states it's an EARLY discard.


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