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Berries Mode (v13)

by Lazybear

How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just usin' berries naturally
How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I'm just followin' my strategy

Latest Changes

Debt & Taxes Update
Completely revamped Berries Mode
-Berries are gained based on Unspent TP
-Added Debt. Debt is bad for you
-Removed Basic Income
-Buffed Freeze and Harvest
-Variants other than Default and Multiboss removed
-New Variant: Taxes
-Removed Food and almost all related cards
-Added Elizant, Zaryant, and Doppel. The Debt and Taxes deck
-Generally rebalanced cards

Debt and Balance
-Nerfed TP Berry Conversion
-Fixed bugs
-Balanced certain costs around the new TP-Berry Conversion
-Nerfed Seedlings
-Slightly Buffed Thugs
-Limited the effect of Sec Turret and Jellyshroom
-Brought a few harvest effects down to be in line with the new conversion

Important Info

The default method of gaining Berries is by not spending TP. Every 2 Unspent TP becomes berries.

Pay (x): (y) - If you have at least X berries when this condition is checked, Numbs X Berries and performs effect Y.
Lower cost Pay conditions happen earlier, and Bosses in a cost bracket go first, followed by minibosses, unless specified

Pay Up to (X): Y per Z Berry Paid - Checks for berries repeatedly in increments of Z, numbing Z berries each time and performing Y effect. This continues until either you run out of berries to pay, or until X berries have been paid. If Z is absent, it is interpreted as 1.

Unless Pay: (z) - A modifier on a previous Pay condition, wherein if the payment is insufficient, the effect Z triggers instead of the Pay condition's effect Y.

Enhance [this] (x): (y) - Change either the triggering card (via "this"), or all applicable cards of specified group X in your deck, to gain enhancement Y permanently. Some cards in a given enhanced group may be unaffected if the enhancement does not apply to them.

Harvest (x) - Gain X berries. Happens after Numbs.

Freeze Berry (x): Turn X of Opponent's berries into Frozen Berries. Frozen Berries cannot be spent this turn.


For compatibility when fusing with other modes


Deck Editor
