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Meme Mode (v46)

by Lazybear

Welcome to the Internet, have a look around...

Max TP is 20, you start with 4 and gain 2 per turn. This is for more granular costs.
Draw is 2, min hand is 3, and max is 6
Max HP is 6
Websites are cards which both players pick one of at the start of the game. The effects are persistent and affect both players.

Numbs happen before most things- Summons happen before numbs as normal however.

Q: "Where is [X Meme/X genre of meme]?"
A: Likely planned but not yet implemented. See the spreadsheet via
(or ask for the link) to see the plans and suggest stuff
Q: This is confusing!
A: I do admit there's a lot of complexity. I've attempted to put easier decks and the generic effects nearer to the top, though there is still a lot to consider.

Portrait base art is not my own, portraits are various images from the internet modified onto simple backrounds.

Latest Changes

Rev 9:
Meme Mode
The "I made too many real changes so now I have to make this an x.x.y.0 update"

Buffed a couple Creepypasta cards
Buffed Minions
Nerfed a specific Anime card in a way that hopefully softens a certain really cheesy strategy without making the card useless

Did backend changes such that cards which have an enhanced effect based on remaining TP now "consume" that TP for the purposes of other cards which have an effect based on remaining TP. However, for now Reaction cards which use the previous round's TP will continue to base their effect off of the previous round's Total Unspent TP, ignoring consumed TP.

A couple harder to use Wojak cards now use this system to be easier to use while looking harder to use.

Made All the Things cost 20
All the Things is less slow
All the Things should ignore less things
Changed some YTP cards to summon card Sus. They do not empower card Sus
Added portraits for a good amount of Boss cards
Websites have placeholder images for now
Cards which summon cards other than Irony and Fruit Tokens are no longer allowed to be Attackers
Added new cards to Rage
Rage Guy is now a 4 tp 2 atk card
Buffed Minions
Made Slap Chop have 1 Atk 1 Def and .2:
Fixed Close Enough
Added Double Rainbow and Teh
Nerfed 1337
Deleted Delet This
Nerfed Furret

Capped Kilroy
Nerfed a healthbar from Clippy
Disabled a nonfunctional card
Changed Among Drip (I think its a buff)


Deck Editor
