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Pierce and Defense Expansion (v189)

by Lazybear

A mode that adds an emphasis on defence and pierce, along with various other cards.

Latest Changes

Rev 182:

-Patton now grants +1 ATK and +1 DEF, instead of 2 ATK
-Gave Patton's tokens some art
-Nerfed Leif
-Buffed Oma

Rev 185:

-Added Worms as a tribe. Go fish!
-Added Rizza
-Added the Ferry Captain
-Refactored numb priority to be more sane
---Numbs that happen really early can interrupt numbs that happen normally
---Alpha now beats everything
---Devourer happens next
---Genow third
-Disabled several cards due to underuse/unfun to use
-Reworked Fit
-Slightly reworked spiders
-Nerfed Mender
-Primal Weevil is no longer a shotgun shell
-Buffed Tennent
-"Changed" Frostling
-Genow can now be stopped
-Reworked Riz Sr.
-Buffed/Nerfed Amber

Rev 187:
-Changed Wormling
-Fixed Biter

Rev 189:
-Nerfed Golden Worm

Doubles your health, increase the damage you take when you lose. Bomb Master Damage Limit changed to 3 given 3 Bomb Masters. Most healing is unchanged. Exceptions:
Roach Elder synergy heals 5
Yin + Maki heals 2
Scarlet heals 2
Spuder +1 heal coin
Mother Chomper has Lifesteal 2
Kali Heals 3
Royal Attendant Heals 2


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