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Octopath Mode (v21)

by Dccd

Octopath is a turn based RPG developed by Square Enix.. And my favorite RPG

Latest Changes



Shields - Shields are passive tokens that are broken if the right tribe is played against them. When your opponent has no Shields left, they become Broken, inflicting -1 Atk and -3 Def. Shields can be repaired by playing your boss card and waiting a turn. What shields you have depends on the Boss Card you picked. You can also prevent shields from being broken using Prevent Numb

Divine Skills - Divine Skills are effects only the eight Travelers (and 5 others) can use. They cost BP, which is a token generated each time you play your boss. An example of a Divine Skill would be Divine Skill (4): Aelfric's Auspices (3). The (4) is how much BP it costs to use, and the (3) is how many turns Aelfric's Auspices lasts, since it is a status.


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