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Mega Man (v32)

by AbyssalPrincess27 and NomiSaltium

A mode based on the Mega Man series, featuring EVERY Robot Master and more!

Latest Changes

To see previous change logs, click on Latest Changes above.
Update 31:
Fixed Ice Man not working correctly

Update 30:
Fixed Negative DEF Penalty not working properly
(Some priorities had to be moved a bit to fix these issues, though Priority List is mostly unaffected)

Update 29:
Priority list updated:
- Conditional summons now happen before Numb and Steal
- ALL Numbs and Steals now happen before Draw/Discard
- Coin flips now happen after Numb and Steal, unless specified otherwise
Nerfed: Air Man
Fixed: Ice Man (Setup should always happen now), Tengu Man (Self-Exile and Max Hand Size Increase now happen after Numb, and its Numb is changed)
Clarified some cards
More card draws now ignore max hand size

Update 28:
X draws itself when it's in the deck, rather than every other turn
Some card draws now ignore max hand size
Buffed: Cold Man, Chill Man
Nerfed: Dr Light, Yellow Devil MK-III, most Numb Enemy cards (for real this time)
Changed: Frost Man, Yoku Man
Fixed flavor text on some cards
Added: Big Bulb (wasn't mentioned in previous patch)

Update 27:
Priority list updated: Numb Effect and Steal Effect now happen earlier
Slight buffs to Plant Man, Cut Man, Metal Man, Quick Man, Nitro Man
King's Empower is a bit stronger
X draws itself every other turn
Nerfed Gamma to 2 Def
Nerfs to most Numb Enemy cards, including Commando,
Added: Drake, Polar, Beetle, Tide, Missile, Ghost, Reactor, Dune

Priority List

by NomiSaltium

General rules:
- Doc Robot's effect goes first, before anything else happens.
- Summons: happens before Numb. This also applies to conditional summons.
- ALL Numbs and Steals happen before Draw/Discard.
- Numb/Steal: Numb goes first, Steal happens immediately afterwards.
- Draw/Discard: Draw goes first, then Discard.
- Draw that ignores max hand size: Happens after Discard, unless it's a Discard from an On Win effect.
- Coin flips: Happens after Numb and Steal. If a coin flip can give a Setup, then the coin flip happens at the same time as other Setup effects.
- Empower, Fortify, and similar effects that check for amount of certain cards: Triggers after Numb and Steal.
- Setup: Happens after Numb and Steal. TP Setups happen after Setup acceleration/delay.
- Setup acceleration/delay: Delay goes first. Happens before TP Setups and after all other Setups.
- Pierce/Guard, and giving stats to the opponent: Happens after all Setups acceleration and delay.
- Effects that check the opponent's stats: Happens after Pierce, Guard, and effects that give stats to the opponent.

Exceptions to these general rules are stated on the cards themselves.


Deck Editor
